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A photo of a businessman and businesswoman discussing the CARES Act relief for not-for-profit organizations.

CARES Act aims to provide relief for not-for-profit organizations

March 31, 2020 / 5 min read

The recently approved Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) has many provisions for not-for-profit organizations. Read on for how the CARES Act affects your organization, your staff, and your ability to deliver on your mission.  

The recent passage of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) will have a significant impact on your organization, your employees, and your constituents. Plante Moran has assembled a team of subject matter experts to dissect the various aspects of the bill and how it will impact the not-for-profit industry in particular.

Below is a summary of the key provisions of the Act that are most relevant to the not-for-profit sector with links to more detailed articles that we’ve already published on certain aspects of the bill.

Key provisions of the CARES Act

Keeping American workers paid and employed

Assistance for American workers, families, and businesses

Supporting America’s health-care system in the fight against COVID-19

Economic stabilization and assistance to several distressed sectors of the U.S. economy

In addition, the Act includes significant funding for the following departments and programs (among others) of interest to not-for-profit organizations:

Have specific questions regarding the CARES Act? Give us a call. 

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