Tax Credits, Incentives, & Deductions

Our Expertise

Delivering the best possible outcome for your unique tax situation

Whether you’re overwhelmed with considering all the possible tax incentives you may qualify for or if you’re wondering if you have the right documentation to apply for a tax credit, our team can help. We’ll analyze your activities and associated costs to determine whether you meet the requirements for tax incentives.

Our experienced team of specialists, which is customized to fit your specific needs, helps you navigate the complexities, bringing a thorough understanding of relevant codes, regulations, and administrative guidance on a wide range of tax incentives. The methodology we’ve developed gives you confidence in your decisions and documentation you can depend on in case of an audit.

Cost segregation

Cost segregation can identify substantial tax-savings opportunities for taxpayers that have constructed, purchased, or renovated a facility. The process combines engineering, construction, and tax expertise to maximize tax deductions for prior and current real estate investments. With the changes from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act around the applicability of bonus depreciation and Section 179 deductions, we’ll make sure you’re taking full advantage of the tax code.

Employee retention credit

The CARES Act created the employee retention credit (ERC) to assist employers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The ERC was further expanded and modified under the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 in December 2020. Our tax credit experts can ensure you’re taking full advantage of the ERC, in addition to helping you with calculation and support.

Fixed asset consulting
A fixed asset study is a broad look at the classification of all depreciable assets on the balance sheet. We look for items that may have been misclassified when placed in service to determine if any should be reclassified. These studies may generate additional deductions in current and prior years that could lead to claims for refunds. Our fixed asset experts, along with the technology they use, streamline the asset tracking process, making maintenance of depreciation schedules easier on you.
Historic Tax Credits

Our extensive expertise in structuring Historic Tax Credit transactions has led to our reputation as a leader in the tax credit syndication industry. We offer project feasibility, dynamic financial projection models, transaction structuring, and tax planning to ensure the maximum value of tax incentives. We support sourcing and evaluating tax credit investor proposals, coordinating with legal counsel and document review, cost certifications, safe harbor reasonableness opinions, and ongoing audit and tax compliance.

Interest charge-domestic international sales corporations (IC-DISCs)

An IC-DISC is an export incentive that involves establishing a new company that’s exempt from federal and — often — state taxation. If you manufacture or export U.S. goods that have an ultimate destination outside the United States, an IC-DISC structure could be a powerful tool to reduce your tax liability. We find that closely held businesses with qualified export revenues exceeding $1 million gain the most from this structure, but almost any U.S.-based exporter can derive some benefit from an IC-DISC.

Low-income housing tax credits

Low-income housing tax credits (LIHTC) are one of the most effective financing tools for creating quality, affordable housing. Negotiating the maze of evolving LIHTC program requirements, IRS rules, and the ever-changing demands of investors, lenders, and other stakeholders is critical to your success, and you can depend on us to offer guidance and assistance throughout the life cycle of your project. Our key services include project feasibility analysis, application assistance and review, term sheet and investment proposal analysis, financial projections, LIHTC cost certifications, asset management and workout assistance, exit analysis, and ongoing audit and tax compliance.

New Markets Tax Credits

If you’re seeking financing for a project that generates economic growth or expands services available in a low-income community, New Markets Tax Credits (NMTCs) are something to consider. As a leader in the tax credit syndication industry, we provide a full menu of services, including project feasibility, dynamic financial projection models, transaction structuring, and tax planning to ensure the maximum value of tax incentives. We can also help with determining eligibility and obtaining NMTC allocation from community development entities, tax credit investor identification, application assistance, and ongoing audit and tax compliance.

Opportunity zones

The Opportunity Zone program provides new ways for investors to defer capital gains and make an impact. From complex transaction structuring and regulatory compliance to fund formation and assisting municipalities in promoting their zones, our team will work with you to power this new tax incentive to your advantage. We can help you develop a strategy that addresses the tax considerations of an opportunity zone fund and leverages the incentive to power your investment strategy.

Renewable energy tax credits

With recent legislation, including the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and state mandates for renewable energy production, there have been unprecedented investments in alternative energy projects. However, the success of your project will be impacted by your ability to leverage available tax credits, grants, and other related incentives to raise the necessary capital. Whether your project is solar, wind, or biomass, we’ll help you evaluate available options, access financing, and increase your rate of return. Financing sources include investment tax credits and grants, production tax credits, renewable energy credits, favorable depreciation rights, and state incentive programs.

Research & development (R&D) tax credit

Research & development (R&D) tax credits present a tremendous tax-savings opportunity for innovative companies that introduce new products and solutions to the market. However, this lucrative incentive comes with IRS scrutiny. As the burden of proof is on you, the taxpayer, it’s essential that you have a thorough understanding of the rules regarding which expenses and activities qualify. The requirements can be complex, and our diverse team of R&D tax credit specialists go beyond compliance, considering a balance of value, risk, and cost, to help you maximize and keep your benefits.

Transfer pricing

With rules enforced in virtually every country, transfer pricing is an increasing area of focus for taxation authorities around the globe. The rules on correctly setting, and then defending, arm’s-length intercompany pricing are complex, and many countries require detailed documentation. Our team of global experts has the breadth of knowledge and the foreign market experience to help you design a plan that avoids risk, meets compliance, and optimizes your tax position.

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Client Experience

Diverse tax expertise, seamlessly delivered

We’ve developed a deep bench of experts in the tax credits, incentives, and deductions space to help you reduce your tax liability and improve your cash flow. From the lawyers, engineers, architects, valuation experts, tax specialists, and CPAs on our team, you can feel confident that you’ll receive tailored advice that’s a perfect fit for your situation.

Nobody says it better than Amy Forester, the leader of our tax solutions practice: “Our diverse team was designed specifically to bring a thorough understanding on a wide range of tax incentives. It’s our goal to help clients understand exactly what incentives they qualify for and how they can maximize their savings in order to profit and grow as best they can.”