Real Estate

Our Expertise

Start a relationship and build a future

No one needs to tell you how fast the real estate industry is evolving. When you tackle one challenge, another takes its place. Whether you’re grappling with tax reform, digital disruption, or entities with complex ownership structures, your best-laid plans are constantly shifting. Our team is focused on the future and driving innovation. We’ll help you strategically align financial practices with your business goals.

For nearly 100 years, we’ve been entrenched in the real estate industry, serving over 2000 clients. Our multidisciplinary team of specialists work seamlessly with developers, real estate investors, contractors, private equity funds, property owners, portfolio managers, and lenders, and has vast experience with the industry’s most complex business and tax issues.

Whether you need to maximize value on a single transaction or develop a more tax-efficient strategy for your entire portfolio, we have the experience, perspective, and capabilities to help you manage your interests.

    Your transformation begins today

    Our services for real estate companies include:
    Are you getting actionable ideas from your audit, such as practical observations and forward-looking recommendations? We tailor our risk-based audit process in response to your situation, delivering on-time completion and valuable insights.
    Client accounting services
    Do you need reliable finance and accounting staff? Whether you need an interim CFO or help with your accounting department, for the short- or long-term, we’ll act as an extension of your company. We can provide accounting professionals who are well versed in the nuances of the real estate industry, so you can focus on running your business.
    Have you explored all available credits and incentives? From the new opportunity zones program to the mainstays of LIHTCs and NMTCs, and even state and local tax programs, our incentive team finds creative solutions that help you accumulate capital to get your project done.
    Transaction services
    Do you have complex, multistakeholder transactions? From due diligence to exit preparations, we’ll advise you on all stages of your investment life cycle.


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    A new era for lease accounting. Your balance sheet may never look the same.

    Client Experience

    The better we know you, the better we serve you

    Our real estate team includes niche specialists. From real estate funds and real estate investment trusts (REITs) to affordable housing and community development, we’ve seen it all. For-profit and not-for-profit developers, brokers, managers, and investors are all part of our client list. That’s because they recognize our expertise and value the relationship they’ve built with us.

    According to Robert Edwards, real estate practice leader, a relationship with us should give you confidence and peace of mind. “We build and maintain relationships with professionals all across the industry and work with all types of clients. This diverse expertise helps us provide unique and innovative solutions for you. We take a personal approach to each engagement, getting to know your goals and objectives. By focusing on your goals, we’ll help your business thrive.”