Professional photo of Kyle Higdon.

I love listening to music of almost all genres. I have been in the top 1% of Spotify listeners the last few years. I had 139,055 minutes of listening in 2022.
Kyle Higdon
Principal, CPA


I work with hospitals and hospital health systems across the country to ensure they’re meeting the annual cost reporting requirements while also optimizing reimbursement within their organization. My two primary focuses are within Medicare DSH reimbursement and home office cost allocation. Through these specialties, I work with providers to generate accurate, timely, and transparent cost reports while exploring various ways to optimize Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement.

Clients appreciate that I’m transparent in my work and that I’m able to communicate highly technical matters in a way that’s more easily understood by those who aren’t in the technical details as I am. My coworkers know me for being a hard worker, staying calm under pressure, and being a bit of a health and fitness nerd.

With more than 15 years’ experience, my greatest accomplishments would be the successful cost allocation projects we’ve done. These projects require us to look at the organization as a whole, take in a lot of data and commentary from clients, and find ways to more accurately and advantageously allocate costs. At the end of the project, we get to show how our knowledge of their organization and the cost report mechanics have come together to optimize reimbursement for the organization without any significant structural or procedural changes on their end.

I consistently look for opportunities to present at conferences and to clients on various Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement-related topics, making sure they understand the upcoming changes and their impact to the organization. I majored in public accounting and business at Muskingum College in Ohio, now Muskingum University. I belong to the MICPA and AICPA.

Outside of the office, I spend most of my time with my wife and four children. When we’re able to, we love to get to Lake Michigan and hang out at the beach. I play and coach youth soccer and love seeing live music. I’ve been to over 50 Dave Matthews Band concerts.