Headshot of Kristin Hunt

I’m a classically trained trumpet player. I was first chair in the Capital University Wind Symphony and played in the university’s traveling Big Band Sound ensemble.

Kristin Hunt
Partner, CPA


For more than 20 years, I’ve been providing assurance services to local governments and not-for profit organizations. In addition to performing financial statement audits, I’m one of the firm’s governmental single audit specialists. I am responsible for over 17 single audits in the public sector, ranging in size from $750,000 to over $300 million.

My clients appreciate that I’m always available. I help them work through issues, new accounting standards, or complicated transactions as they arise to avoid any surprises at year end.

I’m very proud of my involvement in growing our Ohio municipal practice — because my first job out of college was as an auditor for the Ohio Auditor of State. I’m also proud to serve as managing partner of our Toledo office and to be involved with our Women in Leadership initiative.

Frequently, I present at board meetings and firm trainings, and I also conduct continuing professional education training sessions for the MICPA and the AICPA, both of which I’m a member. I most recently presented a session on audit risk assessment at a MICPA Government Accounting and Auditing Conference.

I also belong to the Ohio Government Finance Officers Association (Education Committee), the Ohio Society of Certified Public Accountants, and the Ohio chapter of Women in Public Finance.  I received my B.A. from Capital University in Ohio. 

I spend a lot free time attending and volunteering at our kids’ activities: Boy Scouts, track, cross country, and theater — I’m especially involved in marching band and the Downriver Youth Performing Arts Center. My husband and I enjoy going to concerts, sporting events, museums, interesting restaurants, and other adventures in Detroit.