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Two shipping and receiving specialists evaluating importation of sensitive goods.

IMMEX companies: Changes to temporary importation of sensitive goods coming your way

December 5, 2018 / 1 min read

The Mexican Ministry of Economy has proposed an amendment to the IMMEX Decree that could significantly affect companies that import sensitive goods.

A recent proposal announced by the Mexican Ministry of Economy could affect IMMEX companies that utilize their value-added tax certification (VAT) to import materials labeled as sensitive by the Mexican authorities. Under the current rules, VAT certified companies are permitted to temporarily import sensitive goods without obtaining a separate license or approval.

If the proposal is approved, many IMMEX companies with a VAT certification would be required to file an extension of their IMMEX license in order to import sensitive materials on a temporary basis. Filing for a new extension could become a cumbersome and time-consuming process.

For more information or assistance in compliance with these new requirements, please contact our international consulting team.

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