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Downsizing at the IRS

October 19, 2015 / 2 min read

IRS budget cuts are limiting the agency’s ability to process returns, answer phone calls and questions, improve technology, and solve issues like identity theft. Here’s what you need to know.

Earlier this year, the IRS trimmed its staff by 1,800 tax collectors, resulting in 46,000 fewer office audits conducted annually. Great news, right? Except that the IRS does much more than audit taxpayers. As a result of the cuts, its ability to process returns, answer questions, and solve issues like identity theft is impacted.

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen recently wrote to IRS employees that “this year we are looking at a situation where realistically we have no choice but to do less with less,” acknowledging that, even with greater efficiency, IRS services cannot remain constant with staffing down 10 percent since 2010.

Taxpayers will see the impact of “less with less” in several ways:

A shrinking IRS means longer hold times, slower services, and increased vulnerability to data breaches and identity theft.

While we wait for a return to the days of “more with less,” let’s try to enjoy the fewer IRS visits while tolerating the slower service.

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