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2023 Year-End Webinar Series

Nov. 29-Dec. 12, 2023
Looking to prepare for year-end? Join our professionals for six on-demand webinar sessions. Learn what’s now, new, and next in tax, audit, employee benefit plans, business combinations, and cybersecurity.
Business professionals attending Plante Moran's webinar CPE sessions to help their organizations kickstart year-end planning. Join multidisciplinary professionals from our audit, tax, and consulting teams as they present important year-end updates over six different sessions. 

2023 Year-End Webinar Series: Individual tax planning

During this webinar, our personal tax and wealth management professionals will provide clarity and focus for the year-end tax-planning process. They’ll discuss the use and timing of deductions, exemptions, and rates in 2023 and beyond. They’ll also cover retirement planning, family and education planning, charitable transfer planning, gifting, and tax-efficient investments.

2023 Year-End Webinar Series: Business tax planning

During this webinar, our tax professionals will focus on key tax-planning strategies for you as a business owner. We’ll have presenters from our National Tax Office, state and local tax team, tax solutions group, and international tax services joining together on this panel for a well-rounded discussion of the highlights you may want to focus on as the calendar year closes out.

2023 Year-End Webinar Series: Audit & accounting standards updates & reminders 

As the calendar year comes to a close, our audit and accounting professionals will cover the main items you should consider for successful year-end planning. They’ll explore a range of topics from updates on auditing standard changes (such as SAS 143 and SAS 145), independence, ESG developments, CECL, Inflation Reduction Act accounting considerations, year two of new lease accounting standards, GASB 94 and 96, failed debt covenant implications, and more.

2023 Year-End Webinar Series: Benefit plan roundup | SECURE 2.0 & your 2024 checklist 

Whether you sponsor just one employee benefit plan or you’re responsible for several, the volume of information and updates can be overwhelming. Our benefit plan specialists will share updates on relevant legislation and, in particular, will discuss what plan sponsors should be thinking about right now related to SECURE 2.0. We’ll also help you better understand the impact of new auditing standards and give you some examples of common audit issues to avoid.

2023 Year-End Webinar Series: Hot topics in business combinations 

During this webinar, you’ll hear our professionals talk through accounting considerations for leases, contingent consideration/compensation, the impact of multiple commonly controlled entities in a transaction, and how the reporting entity for financial statements could impact disclosures and accounting.

2023 Year-End Webinar Series: Prioritizing cybersecurity as a holistic leader 

During this session, our cybersecurity experts will share real-world examples of vulnerabilities and business process failures that lead to data breaches, financial losses, and major blows to organizational reputation. We’ll break down these situations and highlight the prevention tactics and cybersecurity best practices you can implement now to better protect your organization and engage your staff. Along the way, we’ll share additional recommendations on how you can become a more flexible, innovative organization that can respond and adapt quickly through a holistic risk management strategy.

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