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The implications of U.S. tariff changes

Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2020
Recent U.S. tariff actions have structural costs and supply chain implications. It's important you're on top of these changes and what they could mean for your company. During this webinar, you'll learn about actions and international strategies to consider amid these changes.

Man and women walkingRecent U.S. tariff actions have structural costs and supply chain implications. Future trade initiatives related to USMCA, the EU, the UK, and Japan will further impact supply chain business cases. In this webinar, we’ll provide the global trade environment context from Chinese, Mexican, and U.S. perspectives. We’ll discuss the actions companies may immediately address, such as transfer pricing and international tax considerations. In addition, we’ll discuss strategies for cost structure reduction and manufacturing footprints that manufacturers and retailers need to address to optimize future business cases.

At the conclusion of this session, participants will be able to: 



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